Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Forgotten Short Story

I was just searching through my documents and found this short story I had forgotten I had written. So I'm sharing it with you! Enjoy!

The door was locked, and I couldn't find the key. Some strange, mysterious person must have carried me while I was sleeping into this dimly lit room, and locked the door on the outside. Of course on the inside, there was a keyhole. And that darn key wouldn't show itself. I'd been feeling all over the floor and had found nothing. All there was in the room was a small wooden chair, a dark dresser, and a frail cot. 'Not many places for a key to hide,' you may say. Well,
unfortunately I discovered many wide cracks in the planked floor that the key may have fallen through, and that fact made my level of hope drop down a mile.
I decided to look in the dresser drawers. I started at the top, and in the first four drawers I found nothing but lint. But when I got to the last drawer, I reached to the very back, and felt something small! I wrapped my fingers around it, and pulled it out slowly. I turned my head, and looked at what I had found. It was–- a baby flashlight. Not quite what I was hoping for, but it could be useful. I started looking in between the planks. I looked down into one of the wide cracks, and shined the light from the tiny flashlight onto what looked like metal. 'That's funny,' I thought. I pushed my fingers through the crack and pulled up on the plank. A small, foot-long piece of it came out! There below was an open tin box, and in that, was a tiny wooden chest. I opened it up, and saw a little, decorated key. My heart started beating fast. I stood up, walked over to the door, and inserted the key into the keyhole. I turned it, opened the door, and heard, “APRIL FOOLS!”

The End