Wednesday, June 27, 2012

DIY Recipe: Pancakes from Scratch

You know that feeling when you wake up to the delightful smell of pancakes and sausage cooking in the kitchen? Of course you do, everyone does. And that feeling is priceless. Walking into the kitchen in your "pajamas" ( I don't call them pajamas, I call them night clothes, but tomato, tomata, I don't really care) and have a wonderful breakfast of fluffy pancakes and juicy sausage. Well, I'm going to show you how to cook these delicious things right now. Once again, tie back your hair, and grab your aprons!
(By the way, we doubled the recipe, because we have a family of six, but you can probably pull off the regular recipe)

1 1/4 cups all-purpose flour
1/2 teaspoon salt
1 tablespoon sugar
1 tablespoon baking powder
1 egg
1 cup milk
2 tablespoons melted shortening or butter

All of the ingredients!

 Trusty helper, Skittles.

Measure out your flour and dump it into a large mixing bowl.

Cute measuring spoon! Getting tired of seeing him, huh? Well, maybe next time I won't show him and you'll miss him. You just wait and see. Put in your salt. Yes, he has only one eye. He's a war spoon.

Guest Blogger, Erin!

This is the big cute measuring spoon. He fortunately has two eyes. Dump in your baking powder.

And your sugar.

Now set your big mixing bowl aside, and pull out a slightly smaller bowl. Just get a medium-sized bowl. Crack open the egg.

And beat it.

Measure your milk, and pour it into the egg.

 And the melted shortening.

Make a well in your dry ingredients bowl, and pour in the egg mixture. Stir until it looks somewhat like this.

Now pull out your griddle and grease it. Yes, I'm so old-fashioned, I have a real griddle, not an electric one. Turn the heat to medium.

Get a ladle and spoon out batter onto the hot griddle. You can test to see if your griddle is hot enough by sprinkling water on it, and if it dances, you're ready.

Wait for bubbles on the batter before you flip the pancake. You can start to see the bottom edges get dry too.

Look how lovely that is! fluffy and delicious. I hope you enjoyed this recipe! Happy breakfast!

       Oh, and this is what I ate for lunch. Pork loin, Swiss cheese, and tomato toasted sandwich with tortilla chips and fresh home-made salsa, and rootbeer. Jealous? I thought so.