Monday, February 14, 2011

Happy Valentines Day!

Happy Valentines Day, Everybody!
Hope you've all had a wonderful day, and, even if you're single, don't worry about it! Then you can send more Valentine Cards! :)
Everybody who reads this blog, I'm going to host a contest! I'd like everyone to write a Valentines poem. It can be short, long, about somebody, not about somebody......just think up something, and send it to me at: I will judge them, and name three awards: 1st, 2nd, and 3rd. Please give me your name, or username, and I will post the winners! Put your creative caps on, and write, write, write away! :)I can't wait to see what you come up with!

Thank you!
Ally V

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Something to Think About

Just a few days ago, me and my mom were talking about how our Great-great-great grandchildren will be looking back at our old letters, journals, pictures.......and they'll be saying, "Wow! I really want to find out about my Great-great-great grandmother!" "By then," quoting my mom, " they won't even know what a book is, what a newspaper is...they won't know about the comforts of life "back in our time" are." They'll be living in a world of technology......without knowing the comfort of holding a Bible in their hands. I'm just praying that God will let me teach my kids about the comforts of "my time", and they'll teach their kids, and their on, so on.... God has made a wonderful world, let's not change what He has created.
